I've mentioned the Varani Family Global Network several times in my letters. All the Varani's originally come from a small village in Italy called Rotondo. It's a beautiful place in the mountains of central Italy in the region Le Marche. Today it has only thirteen people, but the descendants of the people who emigrated from Rotondo go back often especially in the summer. There are now Varani's in Venezuela, South Africa, the US, Canada, France and throughout Italy (and probably many other places) who can trace their lineage back to Rotondo. I've hooked up with some of them several times in my travels. It's a good network to have. Rotondo is where I spent several days between Christmas and New Years. I went with Vonero, my cousin who lives near Milan but who was born in Rotondo.
This is Rotondo taken from up on the hill. The tall structure in the middle is all that's left of a fort that they think dates back to Roman times. Rotondo apparently has changed little since the Middle Ages.
This is the view taken from Rotondo.
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